HCPT Manchester Region
Changing lives through pilgrimage...
Pilgrimage holidays to Lourdes for children, young people and adults with social, emotional, and physical needs
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"HCPT is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I think everyone should experience"
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Frequently asked questions
HCPT (Hosanna House & Children’s Pilgrimage Trust) is a registered charity in England & Wales (281074) and in Scotland (SC043743). Registered as a Limited Company in England & Wales (1095198) Copyright © 2017 HCPT Manchester Region
Could my child go to Lourdes?
If you think your child would benefit from a week in Lourdes with HCPT Manchester Region, we will do our best to allocate them to a group. Please do keep in mind that there are a limited amount of spaces in each group; if your child cannot be placed for this year’s trip, we will keep them in mind for next year.
How much does the trip cost?
The cost of taking a child to Lourdes is approximately £750, excluding additional items, such as the cafe stops and excursions. We do not ask for a penny from you as a parent or carer.
The helpers and supporters of HCPT Manchester Region work all year round to raise the money to take the children on the Easter pilgrimage. However, we never turn away any support! We hold several fundraising events throughout the year, so it would be great if you could support some of these events, and share with your friends and family. If you would like to organise your own event, such as a coffee morning, please do let us know so that we can support you. Alternatively, if you are able to make a donation towards our work, we would really appreciate your support. Any donation, big or small, is always welcomed.
What happens after my child has been selected?
A Group Leader of one of the five Easter groups in the Manchester Region will contact you to arrange a home visit, usually between November and January. They will come and visit you with either the Deputy Group Leader or the Group Nurse, to find out more about your child and you can find out more about us.
Following from this initial meeting, you will be invited to various different meetings. The Group Leader will write to you with these dates. Some will be with the other children that are travelling to Lourdes with your group and their families and some will be with the entire region.
After this, the Group Leader will assign your child to a helper (or helpers) and will come and visit again with that helper. The Group Leader will choose the helper(s) that best meets the needs of your child.
Your child's helper(s) will also make additional visits to your home, so that they know your son or daughter extremely well before the pilgrimage. All of these meetings are used for us to get to know your child as well as possible before we travel to Lourdes; only that way do we know the best way to look after your son or daughter.
When do the children and helpers travel to Lourdes?
All of the groups in HCPT Manchester Region travel together on Easter Saturday from Manchester Airport. You will meet the group at a designated location, either Over Hulton, Bolton or Longsight, Manchester. There will be private coaches there, which will take all of the children and helpers to the airtport. Your Group Leader will confirm all travel details closer to the time.
All of the groups travel back to Manchester on the following Saturday. Your child will need to be collected from Manchester Airport.
What will my son or daughter do in Lourdes?
Please click here to take a look at just a few of the activities we get up to during a week in Lourdes.