HCPT Manchester Region
Changing lives through pilgrimage...
Pilgrimage holidays to Lourdes for children, young people and adults with social, emotional, and physical needs
Mrs Grehan, whose son went to Lourdes for the first time with Group 81 said: "Prior to my son travelling with HCPT, I had never heard of this fabulous charity. At first, I was nervous about my son, at the time 9 years old, travelling to a foreign country with people he didn't know (at first). He had never been away from home either, which worried both my husband and I. However, after meeting the helpers in Group 81, I knew that he would be safe and have a wonderful time - and he sure did. The experience of going to Lourdes changed him, and he in fact went to Lourdes a further two times as a child before being inspired to return as a helper for other children."
Mr & Mrs Paul's daughter, Elizabeth went to Hosanna House trip for the first time as part of the summer pilgrimage in 2012: "This August, our daughter Elizabeth was given the opportunity to travel to Lourdes for a weeks' pilgrimage and as she had previously been to Lourdes twice before with HCPT at Easter, we knew she would be in for a great time! Prior to the trip we were invited to a couple of meetings where we were introduced to the young lady who would care for Elizabeth for the week, she was to become a good friend to her during their time away.
It was evident that precision planning had taken place in the background to ensure everybody's needs were catered for, as the age range and ability of each person was very different; I was very reassured that our daughter would be in capable hands at all times. I wanted her to get as much as possible from the trip and seize the opportunity to spend time with a variety of different people in such a secure environment.
A week later at the airport we could see how excited she was, she didn’t really want to come home! Elizabeth doesn’t always have a great deal to say but she did that evening! We heard all about the things she did and the places she went to, she loved the trips to Lourdes and the café sing-alongs.
The success of the trip is a credit to all the group leaders and volunteers who give up their time to ensure others who are elderly, disabled, either physically or socially, enjoy a holiday in the knowledge all their needs will be paramount at all times. We would have no reservations on Elizabeth going again to Lourdes with the group; in fact she's already planning on it!"
Would you like to share your experiences of pilgrimage holidays to Lourdes with HCPT Manchester Region? If so, please email your thoughts to admin@hcptmanchester.org.uk
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HCPT (Hosanna House & Children’s Pilgrimage Trust) is a registered charity in England & Wales (281074) and in Scotland (SC043743). Registered as a Limited Company in England & Wales (1095198) Copyright © 2017 HCPT Manchester Region