HCPT Manchester Region
Changing lives through pilgrimage...
Pilgrimage holidays to Lourdes for children, young people and adults with social, emotional, and physical needs
HCPT Manchester Region now have a selection of Christmas cards on sale, priced at £3.00 per pack (all cards are sold in packs of 10). The card designs are shown below, in our brochure.
We have a selection of six designs for you to choose from:
1. Peace Dove
2. The Holy Mother
3. The Crib
4. O Come Let Us Adore Him
5. Peace
6. Stained Glass Bethlehem
The greeting inside each card reads: 'With Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year'. If you buy three packs of cards, you will receive one free pack of cards from the range shown at the bottom.
With your support, you will enable us to continue the work of HCPT Manchester Region, in providing wonderful pilgrimage holidays to Lourdes for children with additional needs from across Greater Manchester.
You can download our brochure and order form below. Once you have selected your order, please email admin@hcptmanchester.org.uk or call 01942 870029.
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Christmas cards
HCPT (Hosanna House & Children’s Pilgrimage Trust) is a registered charity in England & Wales (281074) and in Scotland (SC043743). Registered as a Limited Company in England & Wales (1095198) Copyright © 2017 HCPT Manchester Region